Great Yarmouth History

James Paget - Parents

The parents of James Paget were Samuel and Sarah Paget both of whom are of sufficient interest to mention briefly.

Samuel Paget was a self made, self educated man whose opportunity came early in life. When he was seventeen years old Samuel was working for the government agent who had the contract for victualling the Royal Navy at Great Yarmouth. When Samuel's employer Mr Kerridge suddenly died, albeit at the age of seventy two years old Samuel Paget seized his opportunity. He journeyed to London to secure the victualling contract for the North Sea Fleet for himself. This good fortune, occurring as it did during the Napoleonic Wars made his fortune. Over time he extend his business interests into brewing and shipping. In 1798 Paget raised a company of volunteers of which he became Captain, and when this Corps was merged into a regiment of local militia he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel. In 1817 Samuel's standing in the community was recognised when he became Mayor of Great Yarmouth.

Sarah Paget nee Tolver was from a more elevated social class than Samuel. She was an orphan who was brought up by her aunt and uncle. She was well educated and studied Art under the tutelage of the well known Norfolk landscape artists Crome (elder and younger). James inherited his mother's artistic abilities which was to stand him in good stead all his life. Sarah was very active in society and carried out many charitable works in the borough.

When Samuel and Sarah married in December, 1799 they had a house built on South Quay, Great Yarmouth. The original house on the corner of South Quay and Row 139 was demolished to facilitate this altogether finer house. As a result Row 139 was named Paget's Row. Altogether they had seventeen children but only nine survived to adulthood.