Great Yarmouth History

James Paget - Memorable Dates & Publications

1836 became Curator of St. Bartholomew Hospital Museum
1838 demonstrator of Morbid Anatomy at St. Batholemews
1841 appointed surgeon to the Finsbury Dispensary
1844 married Lydia, youngest daughter of the Rev. Henry North
1847 appointed an assistant-surgeon at St. Bartholomew's Hospital
1847 became professor of anatomy and surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He held this professorship for six years and each year gave six lectures in surgical pathology. (The first edition of these lectures, which were the chief scientific work of his life, was published in 1853 as Lectures on Surgical Pathology.)
1851 elected Fellow of the Royal Society
1851 resigned the wardenship of St. Bartholomew's Hospital
1858 appointed Surgeon Extraordinary to Queen Victoria
1863 appointed Surgeon in Ordinary to the Prince of Wales
1867 appointed Sergeant Surgeon at St. Bartholomew's Hospital
1871 became the 1st Baronet Paget of Harewood Place
1871 narrowly escaped death from infection following an accidental cut during a post mortem investigation. Owing to the effect on his health James resigned from Bartholomew's and restricted himself to consulting practice
1873 was elected Vice President of the Royal College of Surgeons (2years)
1875 was elected President of the Royal College of Surgeons
1878 gave up operating, but for eight or ten years longer he still had a very heavy consulting practice
1880 gave a memorable address on "Elemental Pathology," at Cambridge setting forth the likeness of certain diseases of plants and trees to those of the human body
1881 was President of the International Medical Congress held in London
1883 on the death of Sir George Jessel, he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of London
1889 he was appointed a member of the Royal Commission on vaccination
ALSO Doctor of Honour of Law Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh

During his distinguished medical career, James Paget wrote

A Sketch of the Natural History of Great Yarmouth and its Neighbourhood, containing Catalogues of the Species of Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Insects and Plants, at present known, James & Charles Paget (Yarmouth, 1834)
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Pathological Specimens contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons (Vol. I 1846; Vol. II 1847; Vol. III 1848; Vols. IV & V 1849; 2nd ed. 1882-85)
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Anatomical Museum of St Bartholomew's Hospital (Vol. I 1847; Vol. II, 1852)
Handbook of Physiology: assisted by J. Paget, William Senhouse, Sir James Paget (London, 1848)
Lectures on Surgical Pathology (London, 1853; 2nd ed. 1863; 3rd ed. 1870; 4th ed. 1876)
Clinical Lectures and Essays, Howard Marsh (ed.) (London, 1875, transl. into French, 1877)
The Hunterian Oration (London, 1877)
On Some Rare and New Diseases (London, 1883)
Studies of Old Case Books (London, 1891)
John Hunter, Man of Science and Surgeon, 1728-93; with an Introduction by Sir James Paget, Stephen Paget (London, 1897)
Memoirs and Letters of Sir James Paget, ed. by Stephen Paget (London, 1901) Posthumously published
Selected Essays and Addresses, edited by S. Paget, Sir James Paget, Stephen Paget (ed.) (London, 1902)